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Our Vision:

All students to be reading at or above their chronological age. 


At Le Rocquier we believe that all teachers are teachers of Literacy and that all pupils deserve the right to high quality teaching of Literacy to support them through school and life beyond. Being literate is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that allows us to communicate effectively and make sense of the world. Lacking vital literacy skills holds a person back at every stage of their life, therefore it is crucial that out pupils learn and value the importance of possessing good literacy skills. 

As a result, Le Rocquier have established the Literacy Hub to support this need for good literacy. It is made up of the Literacy Lead, Literacy Coordinator, the MLL Lead, Head of English and Learning Resource Manager. This HUB has been established in order to ensure that Literacy is being planned for, taught and evaluated across all areas of the curriculum as well as outlining a plan that supports literacy outside of the classroom and across the community.  


As a result of our analysis, including a large percentage of year 7 pupils below their reading age, we believe that there are three key areas that we can improve on at Le Rocquier school based on the advice given by the EEF on Literacy in Secondary Schools and are going to implement across the school: 

  1. Prioritise Disciplinary Literacy across the curriculum. 

  1. Targeted subject specific vocabulary teaching. 

  1. Develop a culture of reading across the school and community.