Jersey Pupil Premium
Le Rocquier is a fully inclusive school where all members of our community challenge themselves to be the best we can be today for a better tomorrow. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils reach their full potential and make good progress over time.
Jersey premium is a targeted funding programme for all schools on island which aims to support all pupils to the very best from their education. The funding is paid directly to the school so that we can assess what interventions and strategies would be best appropriate to support the needs and enhance experiences for our pupils.
Jersey premium funding at Le Rocquier is divided between three key areas: teaching, targeted intervention and wider school strategies. We also use funding to ensure that pupils do not miss out on out of school experiences and offer pupils 20% off all school trips.
Jersey Premium Eligibility
Below is the criteria for schools to receive Jersey premium money:
- Pupils who are or have ever been Children Looked After
- Pupils from households which have recently claimed Income Support
- Pupils from households with 'Registered' status that would qualify to claim Income Support if they had lived in Jersey for five years
- Service Jersey Premium
- Exceptional Circumstances
If you think your child may be eligible for Jersey Premium funding for their school, please follow the link below and fill out the application form or email for further information.