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Le Rocquier School is committed to offering an inclusive education and to work in partnership with CYPES Inclusion and external agencies for all our students benefit. Our first approach is to provide high quality first teaching, enabling all students to achieve, no matter their ability or starting point.

To support students with additional needs, we have an extensive Special Educational Needs team in school, led by our SENDCo, Mr Iain Nerac, Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Shipton-Taylor and Deputy SENDCo, Mrs Mansfield. Alongside him are our Teaching Assistants, Welbeing team, Welfare Team and Counsellors, who help support learning both in the classroom and in our dedicated support rooms. We also have two Additional Resource Provisions (ARPs), for students with specific types of Record of Need.

Our classrooms are fitted with sound field technology, to fully include students with hearing impairment into all lessons.  We have extensive adapted facilities in nearly all areas (Our 50 year old Sports Centre is due to be rebuilt). 

We offer a wide range of curriculum options at GCSE, suitable for learners of all abilities. This includes traditional GCSE courses, vocational courses (such as Food and Nutrition, and Construction) and life-skill based courses, such as ASDAN.

Beyond the classroom, we offer support for Mental Health and Wellbeing, via our Early Intervention Team, led by Mr Bennett. This includes...

  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants),
  • Our Education Welfare Officers, Mrs. Devereux and Mrs Ross
  • Our School Based Counsellor, Miss Allison.

If you feel your child needs further support, whether in lessons or beyond, please contact their form teacher or Head of Year in the first instance.