Established in 2018 by the students, the House System plays an integral part in the school community at Le Rocquier.
All students are grouped together in their form at the start of year 7, their tutor group code corresponds to their allocated House. Students remain in their Houses for the 5 years they are in the school, participating in a wide range of activities, challenges and heathy competitions designed to foster a sense of identity, belonging, commitment, pride & team spirit and give opportunities for leadership, organization and teamwork.
The Houses System is led by Assistant Headteacher – Mrs N Stier and the Heads of House.
Mr Logue
Mrs Langton
Miss Sale
Ms Pearson
Le Hurel
Mr Lawrynowicz
Platte Rocque
Mr Goulding
Le Hocq
Mr Duffy
Each house comes together weekly in their form groups and each half term, House Assemblies are run to bring everyone together. In weekly year group assemblies, each Head of Year celebrates the leading houses and star students who have gained house recognition and achievement points for heir house in the week.
Each form group has 2 house representatives who meet half termly to discuss school matters and bring suggestions about teaching, learning, charity and events. Each year group has two representatives which feed into our formal school council once per half term, these meetings form an integral part of our student voice.
Please find below information on the house competitions coming up in the Autumn term. Some of these may take place in class, some in form time and some after school. Regardless, make sure you are competing to prove that your house is the best!