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Exam Results

Provisional 2024 Exam results - Results are confirmed in Novermber after remarks and appeals.

We are delighted with the GCSE results that we have achieved this year, amongst the best the school has ever produced.  Students have surpassed our expectations and the targets set for the school.




Best English (Grades 9-4)



Best English (Grades 9-5)



Maths (Grades 9-4)



Maths (Grades 9-5)




Value Added:

The following subjects met or exceeded their expected Value Added (Each student is set a Minimum Expected GCSE Grade or 'MEG' for each subject they take.  A subject adds value by on average, achieving more than the student's MEG.  Where a subject has +1 VA means that on average, students taking that subject achieved one more grades than their MEG.

  • 16  from 22 subjects achieved or exceeded their expected GCSE grades and added value.
  • 12 subjects had a value added score of more than +1/3 of a grade per student.
  • 8 subjects had a value added score of more than +1 grade per student.
  • 4 subjects had a value added score of more than +1.5 grades per student
  • Average VA for the whole school is +0.278


Other notable outcomes:

  • 67 students or 50% of students gained 5 grades 9-4 including English and mathematics (an increase from 2023)
  • 41 students or 30.8% of students gained 5 grades 9-5 (compared to 26.9% in 2023)
  • 54% of all GCSE grades were grades 9-4 (47.9% in 2023)
  • 98% of grades were 9-1
  • All our ASDAN Students passed their course
  • All students passed their Level 1 Construction Course
  • Photography achieved an incredible +2.44 for 37 students
  • French and Spanish achieved outstanding Value Added of +1.38 and + 2 grades for 35 students
  • Child Development achieved (34 students) +1.35
  • Drama achieved +1.85
  • Dance achieved +1.43
  • DEC achieved +1.21
  • Art achieved an amazing VA of +1.85 for 26 students
  • English Literature achieved +0.7 for 110 students which is excellent
  • More to follow after remarks and appeals.

Comment from Results Day 2024:

We had an amazing exam results day.  The results are very good, and it was really pleasing to see students happily accepting their A Level, B-Tec or IB courses at Hautlieu, Highlands, JCG and Victoria College.  A change this year was the noticeable number who have secured good quality training courses or internships with local employers.   The schools VA of +0.278 shows that this cohort of students exceeded expectations, and we look forwards to hearing of their success beyond Le Rocquier.

These amazing results were achieved through the support of our teaching, TA, support staff and parents, plus of course, the hard work of our fantastic Year 11 students.  We wish them all the very best in the future, and continued success off the back of these excellent results.