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Curriculum Vision:

At Le Rocquier School we aim to nurture individuality, creativity and academic success through inspirational and challenging teaching, high expectations and aspirational goals. Our students will leave Le Rocquier School equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to society positively. Our curriculum will meet the needs and interests of the students, while enforcing our learning values through high quality teaching. The students’ learning experience should be engaging and memorable.

Our Learning Values:

  1. Problem-solving & independence
  2. Leadership & initiative
  3. Reflection & self-regulation
  4. Decision-Making
  5. Perseverance & resilience
  6. Collaboration & enterprise
  7. Skilfulness & creativity


Key Principles:

Le Rocquier School’s Teaching and Learning Policy has these six key principles:

By following these key principles, we expect all students to leave Le Rocquier School with the qualifications they need to access the next level of their education, training or employment. Most students will gain 9 level 2 qualifications, while some will follow a more bespoke curriculum catering for additional learning needs. With support from highly skilled staff, we expect students to achieve positive value added scores across all subjects, showing they have made expected or higher progress over time.


KS3 Curriculum Content:

In Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) all students study the following subjects:







Design & Technology (on rotation)



PSHE & Careers


Religious Studies

Food & Nutrition (on rotation)

Spanish (in Y9 only)




KS4 Curriculum Content:

In Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) all students study English Language GCSE, English Literature GCSE, Maths GCSE and Combined Science – worth 2 GCSEs. They will also study PSHE and Careers as part of their curriculum and take part in PE lessons.

Students are also given the chance to study 4 options subjects from the following list:


Geography GCSE

Asdan Certificate (Bronze, Silver or Gold)

History iGCSE

Business Studies GCSE


Child Development GCSE

Media Studies GCSE

Computer Science GCSE

Music GCSE

Construction (Level 1 City & Guilds)

Photography GCSE

Dance GCSE


DEC: Design, Engineer, Construct. (Level 2)

Prince’s Trust Achieve Certificate

Design & Technology GCSE

Psychology GCSE

Drama GCSE

Religious Studies GCSE

Food Preparation & Nutrition GCSE

Spanish GCSE

French GCSE

Textiles GCSE

In addition to this, all students in Years 7 to 11 follow a pastoral curriculum during their form time and take part in House activities once a week.

(For more information about Key Stage 4 curriculum, see the Options section of our website.)